2022 Summer Homework

Jun 8, 2022

BNS 2022 Summer Homework


Students who plan to attend GBMS or KBMS in the Fall are required to complete summer reading homework. Here are the details:

  1. Read at least two hours per week. That’s only 17 minutes a day!
  2. You can read anything you would like to read. Use the reading resources attached to find reading material. You can read novels, short stories or articles. You can also listen to books on audio.
  3. Complete your Summer Reading Log, either on paper or online. In addition, you can complete the attached bingo card and be entered into a prize drawing for every 5 in a row you complete. 20 names will be drawn at each school for the prize drawing.
  4. You will turn in your Summer Reading Log and your bingo card activities to Ms Bailey in the Fall. (victoria_bailey@dpsk12.net)
  5. The Summer Reading Log will count toward the LBA (Learner Behavior Average) grade, as any homework assignment would. Additionally, some teachers may use it for a CPA grade (Character Point Average) that would include LiveSchool points. Some teachers may even plan other rewards or celebrations, so make sure your first grade in the new gradebook is a good one, and ensure you’re ready to take part in whatever celebration your teacher may plan!


Students who are attending GBMS or KBMS in the Fall of 2022 are required to complete the Math Practice Packet.  The problems and skills addressed in the Practice Packet are designed to help reinforce much of the content covered during the previous school year so that every student is ready to hit the ground running when they come back to school in August.  There is an optional Khan Academy Playlist below.  This playlist focuses on key math skills and concepts.

Required: Math Practice Packet (paper-based)

Play math games, work on puzzles, and practice important skills with your friends and family.  You can complete the printed copy of the packet or you can access the packets using the links below (and solve the problems on your own paper).  Remember to bring the completed packet/work back the first week of school.  

Optional: Khan Academy Playlist

Each playlist has 4 topics from previous grades and one topic you can choose. Each topic includes multiple video tutorials and 1-3 practice modules. Parents/guardians will need to set up accounts through their own email, or current students can use their GBMS/KBMS gmail.

Link to Playlists (https://goo.gl/yYnj0g)


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