Chromebook Reminder

Aug 16, 2021

If your a returning 7th or 8th please remember you must return our chromebook and charger you checked out over summer.

In order for students to receive their new device they will need to first sign the technology contract and return their chromebook they checked out over summer, if they have one.

Please drop off your chromebook during the first week of school, failure to do so will result in your technology privialiges being suspended until the device is returned.


Happy Summer!

Happy Summer!

  Beacon Schools wishes everyone a happy summer break, see everyone in the 24-25 school year! Beacon Schools les desea a todos unas felices vacaciones de verano. ¡Nos vemos a todos en el año escolar 24-25! تتمنى مدارس بيكون للجميع عطلة صيفية سعيدة، ونراها للجميع...

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