GBMS Early Enrichment Signup 24-25 – Q1/Q2

Aug 11, 2024

Enrichment signup is open for early signup. Student can select their top 3 choices for each enrichment. Priority is given to those who sign up earliest, availability in the course and if there are any special requirements for the course. Official student enrichment selection will be held during the school day during the first week of school.




Happy Summer!

Happy Summer!

  Beacon Schools wishes everyone a happy summer break, see everyone in the 24-25 school year! Beacon Schools les desea a todos unas felices vacaciones de verano. ¡Nos vemos a todos en el año escolar 24-25! تتمنى مدارس بيكون للجميع عطلة صيفية سعيدة، ونراها للجميع...

Enriching Lives Fundraiser

Enriching Lives Fundraiser

It is easy to donate! Beacon Network Schools could use funding to continue offering our Enrichments and programming. Please donate whatever you can as anything helps. Please share with family and friends! Thank you for your contributions to our students. ¡Es fácil...

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