Innovation In The Zone

Feb 2, 2023

Dear Beacon Families;

More than a decade ago, together with our community, we created our innovative Beacon Schools model. Since our first innovation plan was implemented in 2012, we have provided thousands of students with a high-performing program that prepares them for future success.  Our Beacon Schools have been nationally recognized for blended learning, enrichments, character development, and critical thinking, which we define as our personalized learning model.  

Due to our high academic growth and the vast opportunities we offer our students, we have become a high-demand network of innovation schools. We are proud of what we have accomplished and look forward to building on our successes to continue providing for the students and families in Southwest and Southeast Denver.  

Thanks to the Innovation Schools Act, we created something special that we revisit and recommit to every three years.  The innovation school plans and Beacon Zone plan has been reviewed and completed by the innovation committee which comprises of teachers, parents, a Beacon board member, and community members. Per the Innovation School Act of 2008, the staff will review the plan and vote on 2/17/2023. Afterward, the plans are submitted to Denver Public Schools and recommended to the DPS Board for final approval which will take place March, 2023.  

We began our innovation journey by first listening and learning from our constituents, and we look forward to continuing to provide a unique model to the families and students we are committed to serving.

Kind regards, 

Alex Magaña 
Executive Director 

Innovation Committee

Alex Magaña, Executive Director Executive Director
Jennifer Anderson,   GBMS Principal GBMS Princpal
Dan Walsh,  KBMS Principal KBMS Principal
Jennifer Kent,  Director of Academics Director of Academics
Evelyn Marquez,  Operations Manager
Taylor Hammrich,  KBMS Teacher Council
Jeff Kurtz, GBMS Teacher Council
Ryan Archibald, GBMS – Parent
Boni Sanchez-Flores, KBMS – Parent Liasion
Jennifer Fuller, KBMS  – Teacher
Eliot Lewis,   Board Chair Beacon Zone Board


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