Innovation Update 8.28

Aug 28, 2023

Dear Beacon Families, Staff and Community Members,

We have had an exceptional start to the school year. Kepner and Grant Beacon kicked off the year celebrating the students back in our buildings. Our theme for this school year is “Beacon Se Puede” (Beacon Can) which translates to us that we can overcome challenges and support all of the students that walk through our doors.

Last year we had hundreds of people come together advocating for their children, community and their schools. Some families came together and started with #escúchanos and proudly pushed themselves beyond typical stereotypes, speaking up at board meetings and other communication channels.

This summer, the State Board heard from the families and the Beacon Zone and provided recommendations to the DPS Board.  Last week, they discussed the recommendations and I want to thank the DPS Board members that recognized the work and accomplishments of both GBMS and KBMS. One of the many indicators for success is academic results and I am proud to share that our students and staff rocked on last year’s CMAS Results. That is thanks to our dedicated staff and their drive to personalize learning for all students by ensuring growth. I also want to thank Dr. Marrero for working with our schools in finding common ground and recognizing outstanding teaching happening in classrooms. At the last board meeting, he shared his commitment to supporting the Innovation Management Organization (IMO). I look forward to partnering with him to continue the model and ensure innovation benefits all families, students and staff.

Finally, I would be remiss if I didn’t thank the organizations that advocated for our schools and students. None of this could have been possible without their ongoing support. They showed up and continue to show up to lend support. Please note that their support also holds us to a high degree of accountability, which I embrace.

We are grateful to our:

  • Families of our students
  • All of our educators in our buildings
  • Beacon Family Ambassadors
  • Community Organizations
    • Faithbridge
    • Transform Education Now (TEN)
    • Lyra Colorado
    • RootED
    • Denver Families 
  • Superintendent, Dr. Marrero
  • DPS Central Staff
  • DPS Board Members
  • Beacon Network School Board Members
  • Most importantly, OUR STUDENTS!

It just goes to show that by working together and listening to our differences, we can meet the needs of all DPS students. As for me, I am excited for the year ahead. The schools are up and running with a level of excitement that I haven’t seen in years.  My role will be to support the schools, continue collaborating with DPS, build partnerships through our Beacon Board and empower the community and staff to excel the opportunities for the students we are committed to serve.

Thank you to everyone, and apologies if I missed anyone. !Sí se puede!


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