The Season of Giving…

Dec 1, 2020

What do the Holidays mean to you? How does your family recognize this important season? Regardless of your faith, background and familial traditions, this is universally recognized as a season of giving. . . a time to express our gratitude for those individuals and moments in life that have caused us to pause and realize we are fortunate and we are blessed. . . a time to share our gifts and our time with others without expecting anything in return . . .a time to reflect on how we would like to make the world a better place individually and collectively.

As the Beacon Network, we strive to teach the importance of giving as part of one’s contribution to the larger community. This may be accomplished through a variety of venues . . .giving of one’s time. . . offering one’s talents to a project . . . providing financial support. . . Giving is dones in a multitude of ways. As this unique season is upon us, we want to encourage you to talk about the opportunities and lessons we all are able to recognize through the gift of giving. It is when we learn there is a sense of purpose and selflessness that arises when we pause and consider other needs above our own, or when we realize that we all lives are enriched when goodness is experienced in a collective sense.

Be. Creative. Be. Intentional. Be. Innovative. Be. Beacon. . . 


KBMS Open House & Carnival

KBMS Open House & Carnival

Please join us for our 3rd annual KBMS Open House and Carnival. We will have games, multiple inflatables, food, prizes and more. See flyer for details. We look forward to seeing you there. Por favor, únase a nosotros para nuestro 3er año KBMS Open House y Carnaval....

GBMS Spring Showcase & Carnival

GBMS Spring Showcase & Carnival

Please join us for our 8th annual GBMS Spring Showcase and Carnival. We will have performances from our art programs followed by games, multiple inflatables, food, prizes and more. See flyer for details. We look forward to seeing you there. Por favor, únase a nosotros...

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