Beacon Family Group

Beacon Network Schools is committed to providing our families with opportunities to build community within the school, the zone, and the district by offering a whole-family approach to meet the diverse needs of all families we are committed to serving. By cultivating strong connections between schools, families, and communities, we will build trust in historically marginalized communities and continue to strive to meet our mission of bringing communities together. If you would like to learn more or sign up, please contact the person listed below:

We offer a family volunteer program where families can support a variety of school initiatives by volunteering in the school. The volunteer program will include helping in the library, in the classrooms, and during school-sponsored events. This will give our families an opportunity to be part of the BNS community and make connections with their children, the teachers, and the staff as a whole. Please review the information linked and if you are interested, you can reach out to Victoria Bailey at
Volunteer Today! | ¡Sea voluntario hoy!
Below is some information on what you can expect volunteering for a Beacon school. A continuación, encontrará información sobre lo que puede esperar como voluntario en una escuela Beacon.
Potential volunteer opportunities
- Classroom
- Book organization in reading classrooms (No background check required)
- Working with students/student groups (Background check required)
- Bulletin boards (No background check required)
- Office
- Organization or distribution of supplies or information to go to parents (No background check required)
- Bulletin boards or displays (No background check required)
- Making copies (No background check required)
- Library
- Help to cover staffing (Fingerprint and background check required)
- Shelve books (No background check required)
- Special event staffing (No background check required)
- Fall Socials, October 29
- Dia de los Muertos, Nov 1
- Food Pantry (Unsupervised background check required)
- Volunteer on Friday afternoons at KBMS distributing food to our families.
- Volunteer at upcoming donation food drives, we plan to hold one before the holidays.
What kind of background check do you need for your preferred volunteer job?
For the 21-22 school year, all indoor volunteers must be fully vaccinated and provide a copy of their vaccination card either directly to the school or through the background check portal.
Occasional volunteers – if supervised by DPS staff and having no student contact, no background check required.
Regular volunteers working with students – even if supervised by staff, must get a background check.
Chaperoning a field trip – even if supervised by staff, must get background check
Volunteers not supervised by DPS employee – must get a higher level background check and be referred for this process by a DPS employee. This would be shared and cross referenced with government agencies.
Ser voluntario en Beacon Network Oportunidades posible de hacer voluntario
- Salón de clases
- Organizar libros en las clases de lectura (no se requiere verificación de antecedentes)
- Trabajar con estudiantes / grupos de estudiantes (se requiere verificación de antecedentes)
- Tableros de anuncios (no se requiere verificación de antecedentes)
- Oficina
- Organizar o distribuir información para los padres (no se requiere verificación de antecedentes)
- Tableros de anuncios o demostraciones (no se requiere verificación de antecedentes)
- Hacer copias (no se requiere verificación de antecedentes)
- Biblioteca
- Ayuda para cubrir el personal de la escuela (se requiere verificación de antecedentes y huellas)
- Guardar los libros (no se requiere verificación de antecedentes)
- Ayudar la escuela para eventos especiales (no se requiere verificación de antecedentes)
- Evento social en otoño, 29 de octubre
- Dia de los Muertos, 2 de noviembre
- Despensa de comida (se requiere verificación de antecedentes sin supervisión)
- Ser voluntario los viernes por la tarde en KBMS, distribuir comida a nuestras familias.
- Ofrecerse como voluntario en las próximas campaña de donación de comida, planeamos tener una antes de las vacaciones festivas.
¿Qué tipo de verificación de antecedentes necesita?
para su trabajo voluntario preferido?
Para el año escolar 21-22, todos los voluntarios deben estar completamente vacunados y proporcionar una copia de su tarjeta de vacunación directamente a la escuela o a través del portal de verificación de antecedentes.
Voluntarios ocasionales: si son supervisados por el personal de DPS y no tienen contacto con los estudiantes, no se requiere verificación de antecedentes.
Los voluntarios regulares quienes trabajan con estudiantes, incluso si están supervisados por el personal de la escuela, deben obtener una verificación de antecedentes.
Acompañando un viaje de paseo, incluso si está supervisado por la escuela personal, debe obtener una verificación de antecedentes
Los voluntarios no supervisados por el empleado de DPS deben obtener una verificación de antecedentes de nivel superior más alto y a referidos para este proceso por un empleado de DPS. Esto sería compartido y referido con agencias gubernamentales.
Educational Programs
BNS provides families with opportunities to attend various educational programs that are centered around supporting their children and developing skills that will benefit the whole family. By providing educational opportunities for our families, especially our families that have been historically underserved, the Beacon Network will foster strong and ongoing connections in the school community. For an up-to-date list, please reach out to Boni Sanchez-Flores at
Fundraising & Resources
We have families that are eager to support the schools and we also have families in need. We will provide our families with opportunities for fund-raising and opportunities to access resources that will support families in need. This includes fundraising, organizing food drives for our food pantries, gift-giving events, and putting families in contact with outside resources. Funds raised will be used for families and to support enrichment programming. If you would like to get involved, please reach out to Bethie Walters at
In support of empowering our communities and families, parents and community members can be involved in advocating for the benefits of forming zones to support families that we currently serve. The Beacon Zone works with other zones as a coalition in defining where zones lie in the educational setting within the state and the district. Furthermore, we have committed to being informed by the cross-zone parent group that is comprised of parents in other schools in the three other zones; NDIZ, Luminary, and Beacon. For the Beacon Zone, the parent council member will meet frequently with parents in their school gathering information and provide feedback on the network’s initiatives. If you want to learn more, please reach out to Boni Sanchez-Flores at